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Live Your Potential
This Leading Edge Kickstart Guide Reveals “The 7 Power Habits” Every Person Can Practice To Maximize Their Potential And Live Their Best Life - Complimentary!
You Have The Ability To Be More Creative And Productive!
We all want to live our “Best Life”.
However, living your best life is not something you are entitled to - it takes work! The Key Is Doing The Right Type Of Work. And, the most ironic part about it is… it's work you can already do!
We all want the outcomes - the money, relationships, lifestyle, freedom, vitality.
But There Seems To Be Something In The Way!
QUESTION: How do you find the right direction and maximize your potential?
ANSWER: You Tune Out the noise from the world and Tune In to your True-Self!
This Kickstart Guide gives you the tools to tune into yourself; giving you clarity, direction, and the personal power to walk your own unique path.
Does This Sound Familiar To You?
Each morning we wake up, and it’s groundhog day…
You eat breakfast - probably not a healthy one, rush to “get ready”, rush to get to work or school on time... and reluctantly start the day!
Then we have to deal with people we don't like, and do things we don't want to do! And probably not get paid enough money for it.
Before you know it, you’re back home, you may or may not like your living situation... And you're just trying to get a mental break, unwind, and eat dinner before finally going to bed and having to do it all again the next day!
Even when your body aches, even if you are in a bad mood or feeling depressed, even if people are giving you more stress - no matter what - you still have to keep going.
That’s What’s Predictable When You Are Disconnected From Your True-Self.
When you are not aligned with your True-Self, you waste money on stuff you don’t need, you don’t make as much money as you could, you get yourself into relationships and agreements that you shouldn't, you don't take the time to care of yourself, life feels like it’s going nowhere, you have very little satisfaction and your simply just trying to survive. All the while sacrificing what you love to do.
Our Lives Are Meant For Much More!
What If There Is A Way To Break Free From What’s Been Holding You Back?
When we access our True-Self, life becomes easier, we accomplish more and we’re able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. To do that - we need to leverage specific personal growth practices & habits that make us more effective with our energy and thinking, and increase our internal well-being. These practices orient us in the right direction, increase our ability to create, and give us the internal horsepower to produce more - hence, improve our results and our experience of life. But, you have to find the practices that work best for you. And that is a process in itself. That is where we come in.
Our training is designed to:
Increase your mind & body awareness > which helps you make better decisions by being acutely aware of your thinking patterns and intuition.
Help you connect to your True-Self > keeps you from wasting time going in the wrong direction chasing the wrong things.
Give you clarity > allows you to reflect on what truly matters to you and your priorities.
Gives you freedom to be yourself > allows you to see the contrast of when your are being yourself vs. looking to please others.
The Beauty Of This Work Is That Anyone Can Do It And Benefit From It.
I hope the story of my discoveries will start to paint the picture for you of how it can be done.
For years I suffered through BULLSHIT and had to endure just to survive.
I had over a dozen jobs I hated.
Worked with people I did not like.
Lived in places I didn't want to live in.
Surrounded by negative people.
Very little hope.
Feeling frustrated.
Financially broke.
Disappointed with my fitness.
Disappointed with my direction.
Disappointed with my relationships.
Feeling like I wasted my time.
Feeling trapped.
Until I Finally Got Sick And Tired Of It And Decided It Was Time To Make A Change!
That decision to start took me on a journey of transformation that ROCKED MY WORLD!
I was living on a floor mat sharing a one bedroom apartment with four other people, and determined to rebuild my life differently than the way I had done before.
I had experience as a personal trainer and a martial arts instructor, had spent some time in military service, studied sociology and psychology, and the creative arts. All of that knowledge and experience showed me that there is an internal world that drives us and that there is information out there that can transform that world.
Before, I was prioritizing all the wrong things, not using my tools wisely, and not taking the time to get connected with my True-Self. As a result, I ended up building a life full of other people's expectations unconsciously and unintentionally. Now it was time to build a life on my terms. I was going to build a lifestyle I love, rather than striving to meet someone else's criteria. I was going to do what I am good at and passionate about for a living, rather than doing things for titles, income or perception. I was going to work on improving me - the person behind all my decision making, rather than on focusing on external things.
So, I set off to find the answers on how to build the life I wanted.
The Big Realization
After a few years of research, trial and error, I realized that the people that were living their best life - were the people that were living their True-Self. Being their True-Self meant being true to themselves and what they wanted, uncompromising about allowing distractions to take them away from their path, and building themselves up to achieve the accomplishments and lifestyle they wanted.
The Problems I Encountered
There were so many different trainings out there and so much valuable information to learn. How do I find what works for me? “Study everything!”, I told myself. I later learned that was a huge mistake. No one can know everything and there were so many things that didn’t necessarily apply to me. Except it took me thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours before I learned the fundamentals that mattered.
I Noticed 3 HUGE Problems.
#1 Confusion - Too many people claiming they have “the way”.
#2 Generality - Everyone is different and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for the other.
#3 No “Big Picture” View - There is a lot of overlap in what people are teaching but nobody is giving the holistic view.
It seemed that there’s a barrier to people being able to get their hands on the right information, from the right people at the right time. I wanted to solve those problems both for myself and the people in my life.
So, I continued my journey that took me all over the world...
Testing My Theory
I was starting to realize that the best performers were doing very similar things. Everywhere I looked and the best experts I worked with - all had their own unique self-development practices and habits, but there were fundamentals and practices that they all did in common. And these practices were helping them get connected to their True-Self. The best part was that these were practices that anyone can do.
I became a human guinea pig and started to test these fundamental habits myself. I experienced the difference and noticed that other practitioners were seeing better health, increases in wealth, more satisfying relationships, and radically transforming their lifestyles and life experience. I was hooked. I became determined to find the combination of practices that worked best for me, that I loved, and that made me a better person and performer.
I created a list of the best practices that people were doing and the ones I wanted to do that I believed would help me get to where I wanted. From there, I started a practice of “refining” my daily habits making sure that I was doing something that improved my mind, body and life success. I noticed that as long as I was tuning into myself by doing practices like movement and meditation, setting my direction with practices like goal setting and continuously improving my habits - I was always getting better. Life became a game of practicing the habits that made me better, and eliminating the habits that didn’t serve my personal mission to live the life I truly wanted. I started to call my unique combination of practices my Morph X Code. It was my personal code that MORPHED MY EXPERIENCE OF LIFE. When I stayed true to my practice and myself - I succeeded. When I slacked on my practice my results would diminish.
I Finally Had Discovered The System To Help Me Create The Life I Wanted.
From creating the marriage of my dreams that I never thought possible, to making enough money to travel the world and take month-long vacations! I learned that everything we do is shaping us into the person we will be next. What mattered is that I was practicing the right habits that worked for me - the ones that shaped me into who I needed to be next to have the life I wanted.
A Mastermind Of Experts
I called the best experts I met along the way to help me create the simplest form of transformation by identifying the most powerful habits that everyone can benefit from and that were easy to use. We researched dozens of industries and concepts from around the world that are directly impacting human performance, from Buddhist Monks to NASA, from ancient beliefs to modern trends, from human movement to psychology.
And now, after 18 years of discovery, research, practice, refinement and coaching thousands of people...
We put together a simple guide that anyone can use to start implementing powerful habits into their life immediately, and MORPH their EXPERIENCE by finding their Morph X Code.
So, Here’s Your Chance To Have The Life You Have Always Wanted.
We’ve distilled it down to - "THE 7 POWER HABITS" that every person can practice to MAXIMIZE their POTENTIAL. We’ve taken the best practices from Top Performers to create a resource for you to start improving your habits now. You will learn the 7 Powerful Personal Development Habits that help you tune into yourself, see your path and empower you to walk it.
Increase your self awareness & well-being.
Lower stress.
Get clarity.
Shape your daily life full of powerful habits.
There's No Better Time Than Now To Tune In To Your TRUE-SELF!
DON’T Make These Mistakes!!
For ages, Humans have been more concerned with survival, rather than building the lives they love. Today's age allows for us to leverage technology and information in a way that helps us live happier and more satisfied. This information is that technology. Get clarity, identify your path, and walk it out with physical and mental strength, and endurance. The present is the most critical time and the decision you make now will shape your future. Now is the time to start putting the pieces in place - ONE HABIT AT A TIME.
It can be costly to wait or follow the wrong path. True change is proven through time, not a 90 day challenge, or a 7 day guide. It’s more of a practice that starts with one habit and builds over the days, months and years. Going the wrong direction now can become costly if you invest your time, money and energy in the wrong places. Use this “The 7 Power Habits” KickStart Guide and see what really matters to you before making any further investments.
In This Guide We Will Teach You
7 Easy practices to complete in less than 20 minutes. Do the exercise and experience the results immediately.
The hidden value of movement
Clearing your mind through meditation
Visualizing your goals
Writing down your direction
How to gain confidence with declarations
The positive thinking power of gratitude
How to gain traction with your network
Bonuses Included To Help You Along
Bonus #1 By signing up you get access to ALL our training content emailed to you every week with tips, bonus materials and first dibs for events and discounts.
Bonus #2 You get access to our Facebook private group.
Bonus #3 You will get a video copy of our "Morning Routine & Daily Habits" Workshop Webinar.
Bonus #4 List of Top 100 Best Personal Development Habits.
Bonus #5 Lastly, if you sign up now, you will get a link to speak directly to one of our coaches.
We Can Do This Together!
Enjoy this complimentary Kickstart Guide and begin a NEW chapter in your LIFE. After all, every moment in time your are doing something that is bringing you closer to, or further away from what you really want. WHICH HABITS WILL YOU CHOOSE?
If you need support building powerful habits > SUBSCRIBE AND SCHEDULE a conversation with one of our coaches. Together we will come up with a plan that works for you. We are here to serve. Simply enroll by entering your email and we will take care of the rest. Your job is to sit back, receive your ebook, and follow the design.