The Great Awakening STARTS

There is a GAME playing out and they are treating you like a pawn. You can change that right now by becoming sovereign.
Here is how...
NEWS FLASH BITCH! You are not the only one. You are not the only one with all the problems you have. Actually, you would be surprised that the same limiting beliefs, relationship, communication, mindset, money, fitness and passion problems are pretty freaking normal. In fact - look around - many people have already figured this shit out.
The question is - when will you?
No! you don't have to be rich and famous to live an extraordinary life.
No - you don't have to work around the clock to produce results
No - you don't have to prostitute yourself.
No - you don't have to live a life with no integrity.
No - you don't have to compete with others to get what you want.
No - you don't have to work out all day to be fit and healthy.
No - you don't need a 6 pack to be sexy.
No - you don't have to be depressed because you haven't gotten what you want.
No - you don't have to meditate everyday.
No - you don't have to workout everyday.
No - you don't need a cold plunge everyday.
No - you don't need to eat healthy everyday.
No - you don't need to make 6-7-8 figures to be secure.
No - you don't need to whore around to feel good.
No - you don't need millions of social media followers.
....For years the Morph Experience Team has been searching for the pathway or the blueprint that ALL PEOPLE can use to achieve these results in their life....
We've created a process for you to develop your own SHIT - that works for you.
That doesn't mean you will have it all figured out - it's a process. But we help you figure out your mojo much faster.
We help you build a system to continuously improve your;
Wake up when ever the fuck you want
Eat the food that you enjoy
Spend time with people you like
Bust nuts
Dance like you don't give a fuck
Feel good with how you look
The Morph X Code Was Created To Solve A Problem That You And I Always Seem To Be Faced With...

Motha fuckas out here trying to play you. You may say, How you ain't?
Well frankly, this is what we were designed to do.
Every message you receive effects you, effects who you are, and it effects the quality of your life.
All day, every day, you are receiving input from the outside world. Some of it is empowering and useful, some of it is negative and harmful.
It comes from co-workers, the news, books you read, food you eat and every thing that comes into contact with your body and senses - it's all input. How you react to input shapes you overtime.
Everything is shaping you.
You can take control by REVEALING AND SETTING your unique Morph X Code.
Your unique Morph X Code is YOUR set of practices that allows you to continually build yourself up to accomplish your goals. To build you up and improve your health, fitness, nutrition, vocation, professional, family, finances, hobbies, etc.
Body: Get Stronger And Improve Your Physical Health.
Get moving and increase your energy levels.
More freedom to move around.
Do the mental and physical exercises that work best for your needs.
Increase creativity and productivity.
Less stress, more joy and satisfaction.
Increase your positive thinking.
Mind: Improve Your Mood, Emotions and Mental Health.
Energy: Be Efficient In The Way You Spend Your Energy And Have The Energy To Accomplish Your Goals.
Tune into your true Self.
Get clarity in your direction and build momentum.
Be empowered to walk your own unique path.
Create Habits To Reach Your Goals
Different people have different codes - yours is unique to you.
Shaolin Monks
Shaolin Monks
Shaolin Monks use meditation to stay connected.
Astronauts study and train to be their best and brightest on their mission.
Athletes constantly practice their sport to express their highest self in the game.
You Will Learn How to:
Discovery 1:
Get clarity on your goals and build the habits to achieve them.
Discovery 2:
Build a Daily Routine of habits that increases your health, fitness, and energy levels.
Discovery 3:
Learn what physical, mental, spiritual and emotional exercises work best for you.
Discovery 4:
Learn time management hacks to accomplish more with less time.
Works For All Types Of People
Interrupt YOUR Day to Day Thinking...
"I'm a teacher, an author, musician, husband, and father of two below 5. To say that my time is limited is greatly understated. Through the coaching I found ways to get in shape using a flexible routine and even increased the time I spent playing with my kids."
Matt W.

"After having a miscarriage I attended a Morph X Training.Taking the time to TUNE INTO myself helped me heal emotionally. Shortly after that, I was able to become pregnant. Without going through that mental work, I don't think I would have been ready so soon."
Angela V.
"Once I was about half way through my training I started to realize that my business was consuming more of my life than I was willing to sacrifice. I got connected with what I really wanted. I rearranged my business model and now I spend my mornings Kite Surfing or doing something else fun. AND! my company is doing much better!"
Jose R.

"The training gave me the mental edge and energy I needed to get through Law School. I learned ways to manage my health during long hours of sitting down and studying. I also learned breathing and meditation techniques to reduce my anxiety during finals."
Kristen S.
Program consists of:
Increase Good Habits & Decrease Bad Habits...

Build your Morning, Daily & Evening Routine.
Jump start anytime - learn the hidden value of movement and how to use it to improve your thinking and energy levels.
Mental Reset - Clearing your mind through science based meditation.
Visualizing - See your goals and accomplish more.
Writing It Down - the power of getting direction and insights on paper.
Basic Fueling - proper hydration, meal planning, stay energized throughout the day, naturally!
Sleep Hacks - Improve the quality of your sleep, maximize naps, and do more with less sleep. ​
Time Hacking - compound exercises, maximize timing, and other time management techniques.
4 "R"s - Learn the basics of eliminating bad habits. Resist - Reduce - Refine - Replace.
3 "S"s - Support & Accountability Systems and Subject Matter Experts.
Gain confidence through declarations and improve your mood with sounds.​​
Increasing your positive thinking through gratitude.
Basic exercises and stretches you can do anywhere.
Gain traction with your community and network​​ in supporting your goals.
Plus more...
Here’s how the program is delivered:

VALUE $2000
You will have specially formulated practices to accomplish each week between your live training calls to begin to ingrain the principles in your real life. This will help to make these lessons stick and become part of your Morph X Code and your day to day life. As you see your transformation unfold and you continue to uncover and develop new principles and practices in your life, confidence and power will build within you. You will have access to all live modules, videos, and course material to review at your own pace online.

VALUE $2,400
Monthly LIVE virtual workshops with Morph X Lead Trainer Laz Cor, where he'll be teaching you the practices to reveal your Morph X Code. After each training you’ll see new places to implement the practices you are discovering. This will be deeply impactful and give you a sense of direction, inspiration, and joy about your life as you begin to live in alignment.

VALUE $2000
Get questions answered and support from a Coach. Stop wondering what you should do and being confused about how to do it, have the certainty and freedom that comes from knowing the path and being free to follow it.

Value Priceless :)
You’ll be a part of a private community of like minded people who are on the Journey with you. Get questions answered and support from a group of peers that are shoulder to shoulder with you on the mountain of living your best life. Have people to talk with that will completely understand what you’re up to and what you’re dealing with. You'll feel supported, helped, and uplifted. You’ll feel a deep connection with your peers and create friends for life.
No hassle, No Hoops
We are offering a No Bullshit Guarantee. That is you will either get tremendous value and take massive ground in developing your Morph X Code or we’ll give your money back no questions asked. All you have to do is email and will process your refund immediately.
That said, this is not a quick fix program - it is going to require you to be open, coachable, committed, disciplined and do the work!
Every moment in time your are doing something that is bringing you closer to, or further away from what you really want. WHICH HABITS WILL YOU CHOOSE?
We want to give you a chance to see what people are saying about their Morph X Code.